1 Discuss the relationships between the regulations.
2 Ask your why (or maybe how) questions.
3 Explore best practices.
Wipfli has over five decades working in and with Head Start programs. Over the years we get questions about “why do we have to do this?” or “why is this a regulation?”. Join this session to ask your why (and maybe even how) questions. Hear what we are seeing as we offer regulations and leadership training/consulting across the country. Curious about the Uniform Guidance, we can talk. Interested in learning how the Head Start Act and Head Start Program Performance Standards work together, we can help. Having challenges in the world of constant change, finding and keeping great talent, building a culture of wellness, those topics are on the table too. If you have a question about the why, what, or even some suggested “how do we do X”, this is the session for you.
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